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Spring Clean Your Relationship!

  1. Clear the air: Are there any conversations you've been avoiding having? Has something been on your mind? Time to speak up!

  2. Dust it off: Have you been holding on to past resentments? Time to let that go. Anger and resentment only hurts you.  

  3. Remove the cobwebs around the marital bed: Has it been a while since you've touched that area? Maybe it's time to get back in the swing of things. Regular physical intimacy is a healthy part of a good relationship. Remember that good physical relationships often lead to stronger emotional relationships.  

  4. Make room for new experiences: Has there be too much clutter in your life to have time/space for each other. Clear something from your schedule that is less important than your marriage and go out on a date or out for a walk.

  5. Polish tarnished relationships: Have negative friendships or family members gotten in the way of your marriage? Try to mend those relationships.  Be united as a couple and set boundaries where need be. For ongoing family disputes, apologize for things you've done wrong and try to forgive others.  

  6. Spiff up your appearance: Put those winter long underwear and flannel pi's away for next year. Try some new night clothes, a new hair style, or some fresh make up to make you feel more confident with the way you look.  

  7. Keep it maintained: Just like you don't just clean your house once per year, work on a little marriage maintenance throughout the year. Talk regularly, discuss issues in a timely manner, and keep physical and emotional intimacy frequent and positive.

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