Rivka Sidorsky & Associates
Call for your free 15 minute consultation 
(301) 244-8052
ALL VIRTUAL PRACTICE serving Maryland, Virginia, DC, and New Jersey

Therapy for Women

  • Pelvic Pain (Vestibulodynia, Vulvodynia, Vaginismus, Pudendal Neuralgia, Dyspareunia, etc)
  • Anxiety with sexual activity or penetration
  • Sexual Aversion
  • Vaginismus and Unconsummated Marriage
  • Differences in Desire
  • Low Desire in Women
  • Infidelity/ Affairs
  • Intimacy and Relationships
  • Sexual Trauma
  • Pregnancy Loss
  • Infertility
  • Postpartum depression and perinatal mood disorders
  • Women's issues
  • Sex Addiction or Compulsive Sexual Behavior
  • LGBT concerns
  • Gender and sexual orientation concerns
  • Dating concerns and pre-marital counseling
  • Teen sexual health concerns or teen sexuality
  • Relationship issues and confusion
  • Grief and loss

Our training in sex therapy is something that differentiates us from other psychotherapists. Some people come to see us with sexual issues as their primary complaint, but many are just happy to know they can discuss how their sexuality and sexual functioning have been affected by the other problems they face.

Much the same as other therapies, sex therapy is a much broader field that looks at the influence of psychological, emotional, relational, physical and sociological aspects of our lives on our sexuality and sexual functioning. Our sex lives are connected to everything that makes us who we are. Our early experiences in our families of origin, our perceptions and feelings about our bodies, our physical health and wellbeing, the cultural and religious communities in which we were raised, our personalities, and our intimate partnerships: all facets weave a tapestry that affects the way we live and experience our sexuality, and may have an impact on sexual concerns.

In both our Maryland office and in our New Jersey office, behavioral interventions are only used in the context of this holistic approach. There is no sexual or physical contact involved in sex therapy; it is strictly a talk therapy.

For pelvic pain, unconsummated marriages, and clients with Vaginismus, It is extremely important to get a thorough medical evaluation from someone who is well versed in sexual health. We almost always refer our clients for a medical evaluation and oftentimes a pelvic floor evaluation in order to have the most holistic care possible. The latest research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that sexual dysfunctions are most effectively treated with psychotherapy and medical interventions together.  We work together with OB/GYNs and Pelvic Floor physical therapists in the Greater DC and New Jersey/New York area who treat female sexual dysfunction. The great news is that sexual dysfunction has a higher rate of successful treatment than any other psychological issue.  We look forward to healing and health and sexual wellness.

We are one of the only practices in the country that specifically treats sexual aversion. There is very little (almost no) data on sexual aversion, but it is a very real concern for so many women.  Sexual aversion is a more extreme version of sexual anxiety, where women will often feel that they are very averse, repulsed, repelled, disgusted, or completely turned off by sexual contact.  They do not let their partners arouse them and often feel confused about whether they are "asexual."  We are able to educate clients about the signs and symptoms of sexual aversion.  We use an evidence-based techniques to treat sexual aversion much like other phobias such as fear of flying or fear of swimming.  We use exposure therapy to give clients small exposures and teach them tools and techniques to not only experience sexuality without anxiety but to experience sexuality with pleasure and relaxation as well.

We are here to support the whole woman throughout the life cycle

TEENS: We are here to support teens starting their journey into adulthood who may be struggling with issues of sexuality, gender, sexual trauma, dating issues, fear or anxiety about sex, or even fear and anxiety surrounding doctor's and gynecological appointments. Many teens struggle with tampon use.  Now is the time to deal with these types of issues before fears grow into phobias and relationships and self-esteem suffer down the road.  

YOUNG ADULTS: As young adults transition into adulthood, they may struggle with issues of sexuality in a myriad of ways. They may have a complicated family and relationship history that may be affecting their dating and/or sex life.  Relationship confusion and dating ambivalence is very common in this stage in life.  Should I marry him?  Should we break up?  Is he the one for me? What is my gender orientation? Why does sex make me so anxious? Should I wait until marriage to have sex? Now that I'm married, why do I have so much difficulty with sex? Why is sex not at all like I expected? Why does sex make me so nervous and tense? Body image and self-esteem are also issues that come up often in this stage in life. 

MIDDLE ADULTHOOD: Through middle adulthood, many are struggling with much of the same issues as in young adulthood and beyond.  In addition to many of the questions and concerns listed above, many women coming to us are struggling with pregnancy loss, infertility, miscarriages, postpartum depression, and perinatal mood disorders. Many women are struggling with integrating sex into their busy lives. Why has my sex drive disappeared?  How do I ever have enough time or energy to have sex while being a mother? How can I keep up my sex life while being a mother? It's so difficult to manage everything from work to marriage to parenthood.  Infidelity is also a concern that brings women to seek out counseling services and we are here for you. We are here to support you through everything you are going through in middle adulthood. 

OLDER ADULTHOOD: Women in older adulthood will find the care and support they need here in this practice. In addition to everything we discussed in middle adulthood, we support older adults in a number of ways. The transition to menopause can cause a distinct change in their sexual self, sexual self-esteem, and relationship. How can I enjoy sex again? Why is sex uncomfortable? How can we re-connect sexually now that our children are out of the house?  How can we navigate through the process of aging and disability to have a vibrant and enjoyable sex life no matter what age or ability you have? We can give you the tools and support to have a loving and enjoyable sex life no matter what physical limitations exist at this age.  Furthermore, we are here to support your grief and loss process.


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Office Hours



9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 AM-8:00 PM