Rivka Sidorsky & Associates
Call for your free 15 minute consultation 
(301) 244-8052
ALL VIRTUAL PRACTICE serving Maryland, Virginia, DC, and New Jersey


All out of our appointments are done via tele-therapy. We have seen so much success with tele-therapy. We have seen that it is as effective and encourage you to try it.

  • Available to Maryland, Virigina, DC, and New Jersey residents only
  • Is it hard to take off time from your busy life to drive to the office?
  • Is it hard to coordinate schedules with a partner and a therapist?
  • Do you travel for work or live far from our office?
  • Do you have trouble with child care coverage for therapy?
  • Do you wish for the convenience on days with poor weather?
  • Do you like having an option to talk to your therapist even if you are a little sick or under the weather?
  • Are you glad you don't have to wait in the waiting room anymore? It's a fully confidential experience online.

We have found that the outcomes from tele-therapy have been just as effective as in person therapy for sex therapy.  Although it is not as effective for all types of clinical issues, conducting sex therapy online has seen many advantages.  It's convenient, highly private, and easy to get you and your partner at the same place at the same time. 

We use ZOOM HIPAA-compliant software to conduct all our video sessions.  Zoom's connection is second to none, so you will have the most clear and glitch-free experience with your therapist than on any other tele-health software.  

We document your visits as 90834-95 or 90847-95. Be sure to inquire how much your insurance company will reimburse for these two codes so that you may make an informed decision before scheduling a tele-health visit. 

*Please note that insurance companies may reimburse these sessions at a lower rate than office visits. 

**Please note that tele-therapy is not appropriate for all types of clients and client issues. 


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Office Hours



9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 AM-8:00 PM