Rivka Sidorsky & Associates
Call for your free 15 minute consultation 
(301) 244-8052
ALL VIRTUAL PRACTICE serving Maryland, Virginia, DC, and New Jersey


My husband and I were virgins when we got married and, 1.5 years into our marriage, I had still never had pain-free sex. After having surgery to correct the physical problem, we went to see Rivka to help with the emotional and mental issues that had built up. In 8 sessions, I went from a "1" on a 1-10 pleasure scale to a "9" -- it was amazing! I never would have imagined we'd be where we are now, and so much of that is thanks to Rivka. I highly recommend her. - Erin and Matt, 26 and 27

When we first came to see Rivka, we were on the brink of divorce.  We have only been married for 4 years and have 2 boys together, yet we were constantly arguing. Working with Rivka was an enjoyable experience, where we both felt affirmed and understood.  Most importantly, she taught us very useful couples therapy techniques and tools from Imago therapy that we practiced at home.  Rivka saved our marriage and helped us re-connect with each other emotionally and physically. - Tanya, 26

I am 31 and still single. No matter what relationship I was in, I ended up with "the bad guy."  I couldn't figure out why I was so "unlucky" and always ended up with men who treated me badly and did not appreciate me.  Working with Rivka was an eye-opening experience.  She helped me pick up on my dysfunctional thought patterns, my poor choices, and what I was doing that was compromising my happiness.  Not only that, but I got to understand that my low self-esteem and history of abuse/neglect from my father was leading to this pattern.  I have gained awareness and confidence and am now in a relationship with a "good guy."  - Jane, 31

I have been married for 6 years and have one child.  Ever since we got married, I have had very little sex drive.  After working with Rivka, we discovered reasons why I had been having such little interest in sex.  I never realized that wishing my husband would help more with housework, having some vaginal pain during intercourse, and feeling emotionally distant from my husband were large contributors.  I now feel much closer with my husband emotionally and physically and we are both much happier. - Sarah, 32

When I first came to see Rivka, I had not been able to have intercourse in over a year.  Being only 22 years old, I knew that this did not seem normal.  My college health center sent me to see her for therapy.  Through treatment of my generalized anxiety as well as my anxiety about sex and my body, I was able to successfully achieve intercourse (and pleasure along with it!) in a few short months.  She was warm, caring, and easy to talk to.  This was well worth the investment!  I cannot thank her enough for helping me with such an embarrassing and anxiety-provoking problem.  - Julie, 22

The six months I spent doing therapy with Rachel at Rivka Sidorsky & Associates have significantly changed my outlook on myself. ...things are going great! I attribute all the positive energy surrounding [my new] relationship to what I learned about myself during the therapy sessions. ...Now, I do understand that I am human, and there will probably be nights where my performance isn't the best... but I now know if and when that happens that I am able to just look past those experiences and move on! - Brent 29

Thanks to the excellent care & counseling by Rachel Keller at Rivka Sidorsky & Associates, my husband and I were better able to identify and understand why we were having problems related to intimacy in our marriage, and then take equipped to take steps to heal and overcome those problems.  We are enjoying a much more satisfying and comfortable sex life now. - Shauna and Keith, 29 and 30


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10:00 AM-8:00 PM