S = Slow Down! Not everything is top priority. Drop some things off the list; it’s okay. On purpose, slow your movements and speech. You’ll be amazed at how calming that is.
T = Take a Break! It’s not selfish; it’s self care. You are more important than your tasks. Take that walk, read that book, hold hands with a loved one, go to a movie, go out with friends. Schedule fun into your life.
R = Refocus onto Relationships! Tasks aren’t what make life rewarding; relationships are. Use activities as a way to have fun with those who matter to you Take advantage of being in the car with the kids or partner and talk; share the events of each other’s day. Call a friend just because.
E = Eat Something Healthy! Stress uses up vital nutrients in our bodies, so make sure you are replacing them daily. Oh, and a little bit of quality chocolate is not a bad thing.
S = Sleep Well! Have a regular bedtime and routine. That signals your brain to prepare for sleep. When you get up, look at the sun; that signals your brain to get ready to work.
S = Seek Help! Don’t even try to do it all on your own. Your friends, family, and neighbors would probably love to help out and are waiting for you to ask...so ask.
We all have stress. It's a part of life. However, too much stress suffocates and destroys.
If that’s you or if feeling overwhelmed has become your “normal”, then consider contacting a mental health professional, such as me, to help you find better ways to cope. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it can make.
Sherry McClurkin is a Licensed Graduate Professional Counselor and National Certified Counselor who runs her own private practice Salt and Light Counseling in Frederick, MD.